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The Publisher's Model Guidelines for Authors for all Pleiades Publishing Journals are available in the public domain at: http://pleiades.online/ru/editors/guidelines-template/

Manual for the authors of the Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute

  1. General Provisions.

Short articles describing new research results in the field of theoretical physics, atomic and molecular physics, optics and lasers, condensed matter physics, solids and nanoobjects, biophysics, nuclear physics and others are accepted for publication in the Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute.

The volume of a regular article is 7 pages of the Journal format (font 12, 1.5 spacing), for urgent publication - 5 pages. The urgency of publication needs to be agreed withthe Editor-in-Chief or Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board.

Reviews and popular science articles are not published in the Journal.

Sending the manuscript to the journal, the author guarantees that the corresponding material (in original or in translation into other languages or from other languages) has not been previously published anywhere and is not being considered for publication in other publishers.

  1. Manuscript Submition

Manuscripts are submitted through the Author's portal of the Editorial and Publishing System (EPS) of Pleiades Publishing. You can log in and register in the system on the website https://publish.sciencejournals.ru/. To enter EPS, you can use the browsers Google Chrome version 60 and higher or Safari, version 11 and higher. After registration, a journal is selected (Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute) and the necessary metadata is loaded (title, authors with affiliations, indicating the author's email, keywords, manuscript language, abstract). Detailed step-by-step instructions are available on this website in the section "Author's portal - user's guide". At the request of the authors, you can add information about funding. The submitted article must be accompanied by a Copyright Transfer Agreement

The copyright transfer agreement form there is on the specified EPS website and on this website http://ksf.lebedev.ru/ as a separate item. English-speaking authors fill out only the right (English) part of the Agreement.

When submitting an article, you must indicate at least two potential reviewers for your work and provide their contact information (mail, last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree). It is not allowed to involve as a reviewer employees of the laboratory or sector in which at least one of the authors of the submitted article works.

Information about the passage of the manuscript, reviewing, approval of copyright editing is carried out through the author's personal account after registering on the system website: https://publish.sciencejournals.ru/.

Attention!An article, even agreed with the editor and reviewers, will not be accepted for publication and published until the completed and signed Copyright Transfer Agreement is sent to the Editorial Office or uploaded to EPS (while you should use the “offline” method and download the PDF file, see on the site).

  1. Design of the manuscript.

Materials are accepted in the form of Word (preferably) or TeX - files.In the first case, the formulas should be typed and not inserted as pictures.TeX - file must be accompanied by a PDF compilation.

  • Each manuscript (Material) must include:
  • Title of the work.
  • Complete list of authors. Initials and surnames, indicating which of the authors is responsible for the correspondence.
  • Places of work of authors (affiliations). Full (without abbreviations) name of the organization, postal address with city, country and postal code. If the authors work in different organizations, then it should be clear who works in which particular organization. If the author does not work or has died, it is necessary to indicate the last place of his work or the address of the editorial office. Articles without specifying the places of work of all authors are removed to the "Corral".
  • Email address of the author of the correspondence and his MOBILE PHONE. It is also advisable to provide an alternative email address. Articles without at least one e-mail address are removed to the "Corral ".
  • The abstract should not be too short and should not contain links to other works. It should be clear from the annotation what questions were posed for research and what answers were received;
  • The main text of the work, INCLUDING ILLUSTRATIONS AND TABLE MATERIAL. If abbreviations are used, they must be deciphered in the text at their first mention. It is recommended to standardize the structure of the work using subheadings, for example: "Introduction", "Theoretical analysis", "Methodology", "Experimental part", "Results and their discussion", "Conclusions".

3.2 Figures and tables

Figures with captions and tables with titles are included in the main text, and in addition are attached as separate files (sources), tables - as Word files; vector illustrations must be provided in the standard file format of the graphics editor in which they were prepared; EPS format is also accepted. The rest of the illustrations are accepted in any standard graphic formats, preferably TIFF, with a resolution of at least 600dpi, grayscale - 300dpi.

3.3. List of references

The list of references should sufficiently reflect the current state of affairs in the field under study and should not be redundant. It should contain links to available sources.

All references are given in the original language and are numbered as [serial number] in square brackets and follow strictly in order. Names in Japanese, Chinese, and other languages ​​that use non-Latin script are written in Latin transliteration. If the material has an English version, a full reference to it with the DOI is required. If there is no English version, after the original (for example, Russian) link, its translation into English is given with the mark “(in Russian)”.

3.3.1. Journal articles.

All authors (Full name or initials and last name), title of the work, title of the printed publication, year of publication, volume, number (if any), first and last pages, DOI are indicated. For journals, the CASSI abbreviation standard must be followed (https://cassi.cas.org/search.jsp).

For instance:

[1] N. A. Bulychev, M. A. Kazaryan, A. Ethiraj, and L. L. Chaikov. Plasma Discharge in Liquid Phase Media under Ultrasonic Irradiation as a Technique for Synthesizing Gaseous Hydrogen. Bull. Leb. Phys. Inst. Vol.45, No.9, pp. 263 – 266 (2018). DOI: 10.3103/S1068335618090026.

If the article is submitted from a collaboration, indicate 1 - 2 first authors and "on behalf of the Collaboration ...". Example:

[2] S. Prohira, and A. Novikov (on behalf of ANITA Collaboration), Antarctic surface reflectivity calculations and measurements from the ANITA-4 and HiCal-2 experiments, Phys.Rev.D, Vol.98, issue4, 042004, (2018), DOI:10.1103/Phys-RevD.98.042004.

3.3.2. Articles from collections of articles, miscellany, collections of abstracts, papers and abstracts of conferences, symposia, etc.

- all authors, title of work, ("in:"), title of collection (conference, symposium), city (venue and year of the conference), publisher, year; volume, number (if any), numberf of the first and last page, if available - the Internet address. For instance:

[3] M. N. Kirichenko, N. A.Bulychev, M. A. Kazaryan, A. V. Masalov,L. L.Chaikov. Effect of the ferrous oxide nanoparticles on the blood coagulation according to light scattering data. In: Pulsed Lasers and LaserApplications."AMPL-2017": Abstracts of XIII International Conference, Tomsk, 2017, (Tomsk, STT, 2017), D-7, p. 85-86. https://symp.iao.ru/ru/ampl/13/proceedings.

3.3.3. Books

The author (s) & the title of the book is indicated; in brackets: publisher, year of publication; if it is available - volume, edition number; if necessary - part, chapter, page. For instance:

[4] Photon correlation and light beating spectroscopy. Ed. ByH. Z. Cummins and E. R. Pike, (Plenum Press, New York - London, 1974).

[5] I.L. Fabelinskii, Molecular Scattering of light. (Plenum Press, New-York, 1968).

3.3.4. Preprints

The authors, title, publisher and number are indicated, in brackets: publisher, city, year of publication, if available, the Internet address. Example:

[6] A. A. Kologrivov, A. A. Rupasov, G. V. Sklizkov. Reconstruction of continuous spectra of soft X-ray radiation from recorded spectrograms obtained with a transmission diffraction grating. LPI Preprint No. 2. (LPI, Moscow, 2017).http://preprints.lebedev.ru/?p=6299.

3.3.5. Patents

The authors, title, country and number, date are indicated. Example:

[7] K.V.Kovalenko, S.V.Krivokhizha, I.A.Chaban, L.L.Chaikov. Method and apparatus for measuring particle sizes in a liquid. United States Patent US 7,982,874 B2, jul.19, 2011.

3.3.6. Dissertations

The author, title, degree, field of science or faculty, university, year of defense are indicated; if possible - an Internet address. Example:

[8] K. L. Larson-Smith. Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles in Dispersion and at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces. A dissertation for the degree of PhD, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, 2012. https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/bitstream/handle/1773/21831/LarsonSmith_washington_0250E_10831.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y .